

Everything you need to survive in this wastesland


The guys at DayZ’s Official Killfeed have fixed up a C-130 that’s able to conduct airdrop operations. These airdrops can be placed ANYWHERE on the map, at a location of your choosing.


Airdrops work in 2 ways.

You can PAY for the airdrop and it stays quiet, OR you can select a FREE airdrop.

Free airdrops will be announced publicly on #airdrop-announcements on DayZApoc’s Discord Server. 

To get a private airdrop at your location, you need to /transfer money to MikeFreeman in the discord. There is no set fee, so pay what you want to pay. Please note, payments that are deemed too low will be made public and your location and drop will be sent out in a public forum. 

NOTE: This only works on the server Apocalypse Survival Challenge.

Builder Airdrop

Found a little slice of heaven you want to call your own? This base building kit is the PERFECT companion to that survivor that lacks the patience to find all the shit required to build your own base. Complete with lights, genereators, and wire, you can bring enough attention to your base so that one day, it will be someone else’s base.

Price: $50,000

Inventory List

  • PowerGenerator (2)
  • ShelterKit (2)
  • Fabric (2)
  • TerritoryFlagKit (2)
  • CableReel (2)
  • CombinationLock4 (2)
  • Spotlight (2)
  • CamoNet (4)
  • WatchtowerKit (2)
  • Shovel (2)
  • Pickaxe (2)
  • WoodenPlank (21)
  • WoodenLog (22)
  • FenceKit (2)
  • Hatchet (8)
  • Hammer (8)
  • NailBox (7)
Builder 2 Airdrop

Welcome to luxury living in the depths of hell. With our Base Builder 2 airdrop, you and your homies can build that dream base you’ve always wanted. With an emphasis on stealth and security, the Base Builder 2 Airdrop is surely not going to get raided. Right?

Price: $50,000


Inventory List

  • WoodenPlank (40)
  • WoodenLog (20)
  • NailBox (18)
  • Hammer (2)
  • SledgeHammer
  • FieldShovel
  • Pickaxe
  • Hatchet (2)
  • FirefighterAxe_Green (2)
  • FenceKit
  • WatchtowerKit
  • TerritoryFlagKit
  • CombinationLock4 (2)
  • MetalWire (2)
  • Pliers
  • BarbedWire (6)
  • CamoNet (2)
  • Whetstone (4)
Base storage Airdrop

Every hoarder needs somewhere to put there shit and that is EXACTLY what you get when you select the Base Storage Airdrop. Tents, Sea Chests and Barrels, you’ve got the space to keep hoarding. 

Price: $25,000

Inventory List

  • LargeTent (5)
  • MediumTent_Green
  • CarTent (3)
  • SeaChest (2)
  • Barrel_Green
  • Barrel_Blue
  • Barrel_Red
  • Barrel_Yellow
  • PartyTent_Brown
  • PartyTent
Hunter Airdrop

With our Hunter Airdrop, you’re just looking to survive the wasteland. You might not surive in style, but you’ll survive. 

Price: $50,000 $49,995

Inventory List

  • SalineBagIV (4)
  • BloodTestKit (4)
  • VitaminBottle (4)
  • BloodBagIV (4)
  • BandageDressing (4)
  • AntiChemInjector (4)
  • TetracyclineAntibiotics (4)
  • Zucchini (4)
  • WaterBottle (6)
  • BakedBeansCan_Opened (4)
  • ZagorkyPeanuts (4)
  • RadarCap_Black (4)
  • LeatherSack_Beige (4)
  • DenimJacket (4)
  • Jeans_Blue (4)
  • CivilianBelt (4)
  • WorkingGloves_Beige (4)
  • WorkingBoots_Beige (4)
  • Rope (4)
  • Pliers (4)
  • Pot (4)
  • NailBox (5)
  • Hatchet (4)
  • DuctTape (4)
  • SparkPlug (4)
  • Whetstone (4)
  • GardenLime (2)
  • CookingStand (2)
  • TireRepairKit (4)
  • LargeGasCanister (4)
  • PortableGasLamp (4)
  • PortableGasStove (2)
  • MediumTent_Green
  • WeaponCleaningKit (4)
  • MKII (2)
  • Mag_MKII_10Rnd (8)
  • AmmoBox_22_50Rnd (5)
  • Rangefinder (4)
  • Winchester70 (5)
  • HuntingOptic (4)
  • OrienteeringCompass (5)
Ghillie Kit Airdrop

In this kit, you’ll find full sets of Woodland Ghillie suits, a selection of rifles like the Winchester and the Mosin with scopes and ammo. As a thanks for being a valued customer, we’ll also toss in some canned bacon and meds.

Price: $50,000


Inventory List

  • GhillieHood_Woodland (4)
  • GhillieAtt_Woodland (8)
  • GhillieBushrag_Woodland (8)
  • GhillieSuit_Woodland (2)
  • Winchester70_Green (4)
  • Mosin9130_Green (4)
  • AmmoBox_308Win_20Rnd (12)
  • AmmoBox_762x54_20Rnd (12)
  • Rangefinder (4)
  • PUScopeOptic (2)
  • HuntingOptic (2)
  • TacticalBaconCan_Opened (10)
  • Morphine (8)
Medical Kit Airdrop

Currently, the medical crate is unavailable. We ran into some issues with HIPPA regulations 

Assault Kit Airdrop

With the assault airdrop, you’re really gonna be bringing the pain. What’s lacking here is a lifetime subscription to “GUNS & AMMO” magazine, because you won’t need it after this. Also, with the whole apocalypse thing, they did sort of close down that magazine industry. But you do get a shit load of bacon here.

Price: $50,000

Inventory List

  • PlateCarrierVest_Camo (2)
  • GorkaHelmet_Green (2)
  • GorkaHelmet_Black (2)
  • PlateCarrierVest_Black (2)
  • AKM (4)
  • M4A1_Black (4)
  • TacticalGloves_Green (2)
  • TacticalGloves_Black (2)
  • JungleBoots_Black (2)
  • JungleBoots_Green (2)
  • Morphine (8)
  • Mag_STANAG_60Rnd (6)
  • Mag_AKM_Drum75Rnd_Black (4)
  • TacticalBaconCan_Opened (12)
  • M4_RISHndgrd_Black (5)
  • M4_RISHndgrd_Green (4)
  • M4_OEBttstck_Green (4)
  • M4_OEBttstck_Black (4)
  • M4_CQBBttstck_Black (3)
  • M4_CQBBttstck_Green (3)
  • M4_MPHndgrd_Black (3)
  • M4_MPHndgrd_Green (3)
  • AK74_WoodBttstck (3)
  • AK74_WoodBttstck_Camo (3)
  • AK74_WoodBttstck_Black (3)
  • AK_WoodBttstck (3)
Hummer Airdrop

Are you on the hunt for the MOST saught after vehicle in the game, the vehicle that has the bulletproofedness of the cyber truck and the offroad capabilities of a Ford Fiesta? Well, you’ve got it baby. The hummer, known for it’s ruggers looks and un-aerodynamic lines is the perfect post-apocalyptic rover.

NOTE: You need to bring your own glow plug and battery to get this baby driving. 

Price: $50,000 

Inventory List

  • Hummer
  • 4 Doors
  • Trunk
  • Hood
  • CanisterGasoline (2)
  • 5 wheels (she comes with a full sized spare!)
BEARS Airdrop

Are you a psycho looking for a pet bear? Are you looking for a meal, or are you hoping to feast on chaos? Well, either way, Bear Airdrop (Beardrop for short) is for you. Pretty simple, you get 2 bears and we probably won’t notify PETA, so you can do what you want with them…..NOT THAT MURDERFACE, you can’t do that bro. 

Price: $50,000 ( $100,000 and we don’t ask quesitons )

Inventory List

  • Bears (2)
  • WoodenPlank
  • EasterEgg (2)
  • BearSteakMeat (4)